In-Vehicle Acoustic Test According to AES TC-AA Recommendations

  Location: Denmark   /    Place: Online

  Start: 03-07-24   /    End: 03-07-24

Webinar: In-Vehicle Acoustic Test According to AES TC-AA Recommendations

Title: In-Vehicle Acoustic Test According to AES TC-AA Recommendations

Date: July the 3rd, 2024

Host: James Kelly, Regional Manager, Audio Precision

Highlighted topics:

  • Explore the AES-recommended procedures for measuring essential attributes of a car’s audio system.
  • Learn about the GRAS RA0399 6-microphone array and the latest ¼” high-sensitivity microphones from GRAS.
  • Discover how the GRAS front end connects with the Audio Precision multichannel audio analyzer, with data acquisition and analysis using APx500 software.

Participants will gain insights into setting up in-car measurements, test configurations, and the importance of selecting the right measurement microphone. We will also cover methods to reduce measurement uncertainties and discuss the APx Project files required for these measurements.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!