Global Technical Support and Training

At GRAS, we offer free technical support for all our products in their entire lifetime. When you purchase a measurement solution from GRAS you, therefore, acquire not only a solution that fulfills your acoustic requirements according to the standards, but also a complete package of support solutions for your GRAS equipment.

Our Global Support team is always ready to help and guide you in the best possible way, so that your technical issues are solved quickly and efficiently.

The team of experts offer the following services:

  • Help with selecting the right GRAS product for your specific measurement/application.
  • Help and guidance as to the proper use of our GRAS products.
  • Help with finding the right measuring setup for your application.
  • Help with troubleshooting your measurement setup.
  • Technical training.

The team is accessible via or direct telephone, please see contact details in the left-hand menu.